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Writer's pictureBNT Travel Group

Introducing Expedia TAAP!

Why book with Expedia?

  • Earn generous commission on our broad range of travel supply. Expedia calculates your earnings based on the total booking value, including taxes, so you earn more.

  • Create the perfect trips for your travelers. Select from millions of properties worldwide (hotels and vacation rentals) plus thousands of activities, flights and ground transport options (lines of supply vary by country).

  • Impress travelers with some of the best rates in the industry, including package rates which offer an average 20% discount on properties when you’ve already booked a flight, car, train, or cruise for the traveler.

  • Provide your travelers with a first-class service to keep them coming back.

  • Effortlessly make and manage bookings in under one minute, thanks to our intuitive search results, real-time booking confirmations and flexible self-service agent tools.

  • Work with a supplier that is really invested in your success – we are laser-focused on helping you boost traveler loyalty.

  • Partner with Expedia for dedicated, expert support from our 24/7 agent support centers (available for select languages), local sales teams, and online learning academy.

You are welcome to get self-registered with Expedia TAAP (refer to Quick Guide at or contact our support team for further assistance.

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