In a day of rising technologies, new companies and brands that target the most particulate of consumer desires, and the glorification of innovation, certain interpersonal services have become quite questionable. The boom of automated systems that strive to impersonate the work of skilled individuals has conquered a massive array of industries; twentieth-century tellers have been replaced by intricate ATM machines and mobile bank applications, traditional farmers have lost their jobs to smart machines, and taxi drivers are currently losing business to quicker transportation services which can be accessed through the click of a button. As an independent agent, this may make you wonder- what, then, prevents travel agents from losing their business to booking websites? In fact, a variety of reasons.
Buying advice
Whether you are selling a plane ticket, a cruise vacation or a car rental to a client, your final sold service is a package comprised of the tangible experience and your personal agent-to-client advice. Clients will often ask you about the best places to eat around a certain area, the cheapest method of transportation, or the tipping culture in their desired country. As an independent agent, it is your responsibility to complete the necessary research through either an extensive online search or an informative talk with your host agency BNT Travel Group in order to provide an authentic set of advice to your customer. After all, anyone can simply click a confirmation button, even the client themselves (through a booking website). Clients contact a travel agency in order to receive a personalized experience that is tailored to their questions and concerns, so think of yourself more as a consultant rather than a booking agent.
Planning luxury trips
A large segment of the travel industry’s consumer pool is not looking for the least expensive and simplest getaway. In fact, many of these customers, no matter their economic background, invest a large portion of their savings and time to experience an exquisite vacation. Their trip expectations are, therefore, often quite complicated and concentrated. Such trips are a hassle to book online as they require quite a lot of research and planning, and the system behind booking websites does not allow for the process to be as quick as that of booking one plane ticket. Working through an independent agent, however, saves the client a large amount of time in planning such a trip, as you, the travel agent, are responsible for analyzing the client’s needs and laying out a few possible blueprints for the trip. In this case, think of yourself more as an event organizer than an agent.
Whether clients wish to go on a quick trip or a intricate four-week journey, no client wants to overpay. As a home-based travel agent, your job is, therefore, to go through the painstaking, but rewarding process of price-checking. This service comes along with working through a travel agent. Instead of spending constant hours and days tracking offers on several websites, clients enjoy the luxury of getting the final and best deal upfront. Furthermore, this process is not only beneficial to the client, but also to you, the agent; if you find a low enough price, you can add a greater commission that would not result in the total price surpassing the next best offer. Here, you take on the role of a financial planner, one working around a client’s budget and setting up up a reasonable and satisfying spending plan.